Sunday, March 28, 2010

Look Out Below!

What has me so disgusted, disgruntled, and disturbed, is that "government" these days means protecting us from ourselves. When this country was founded, the role for government was not to insert itself into every aspect of our lives, but rather to be there for issues of infrastructure (roads, postal needs, regulate community property, law enforcement) and national security. Unfortunately, what it's become is a monolithic body of self-interest. No longer are elected officials about representing their constituents; instead, they are all about pleasing "the people" (whoever they are...I don't remember the last time I felt like my government was trying to please me) enough to get re-elected while carving up the rest amongst themselves.

If you need proof of this, consider the legal bribery that our House and Senate engage in to convince others to vote one particular way or another. Just look at the "stimulus packages" passed under Presidents Bush and Obama's watch in the amount of nearly $2 trillion. To get votes, it is common practice to throw millions of dollars at the pet projects of those certain representatives who need some convincing. This money is simply tacked onto the bill in question as it makes its way through legislation. That is exactly how the $1 trillion health reform bill that just got signed by President Obama ended up being 2700 pages! 2700 pages? Really?

Big politics is filthy, no two ways about it. And I am truly sorry to those honest local politicians who get smeared with the crap that rolls down Capitol Hill. Look out below!

Monday, January 5, 2009

What are You so Scared of Anyway?

Did you know that the market is driven by fear?

Consumer spending is directly affected by fear. You want to keep your job? Don't be afraid to spend money! When consumers, en masse, decide become convinced that they can't spend money, what do you think happens? Well, people don't spend money, businesses don't make money, and you lose your job!

What's the matter? Don't you like having a job?

So, get back out there, spend some money, and keep your job. By the way...

BUY AMERICAN...IT'S WHERE YOU WORK! Or, you could buy Chinese. At least then THEY won't have to worry about having jobs.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

English...Who Needs It?

I believe that one very important factor in a country maintaining unity and function as one is language. If you look around at least Western Europe, each country has a distinct language that begins, and largely ends, at their borders. With regards to Canada, the language issue is a source of resentment and division between its people. In Quebec, where French is the official language, there is a good deal of negativity towards English speaking Canadians. There is an equal amount of negativity flowing the other way.

English is, at least for now, the official language of this country. The reason it is so is that, since we are a nation if immigrants, we had to settle on a universal language that we could communicate in, in order to operate as a nation. Without it, we could not function as a society. In my humble opinion, and it is just my opinion, if a second official language is forced upon the people, it will do more harm than good. Spanish speakers will resent those English speakers that resist embracing the new official language, and vice-versa. I absolutely believe that Spanish speakers, and all other language speakers, should hold on to their heritage, but English was selected as the one common language for this country a LONG time ago. To change it now would be like completely rewriting the Constitution; it would strike at the foundation of what makes us unified.

I also believe that US-born citizens should embrace learning other languages. It adds to an individual's cultural awareness, which is invaluable at a time when politics and economics are now working on a global scale. Besides, there is nothing wrong with a little culture, especially if you live in a place with little diversity.

This may be too much opinion for some of you, but I've got big shoulders. Feel free to critique and/or criticize as you will.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Top 10 Signs of Our Country's Impending Collapse

1. The Start of the Downfall…Outlawing Corporal Punishment in Schools

2. Parents Allow Their Kids to Play Grand Theft Auto

3. Teens Talk About Drugs as Casually as They Talk About Lunch

4. Teens Talk About Sex as Casually as They Talk About Dinner

5. Most of the "Cool Kids" in School Can't Write Complete Sentences

6. Role Models for Youths are Limited to Rappers and Pro Athletes

7. Unskilled Laborers Make More Than Teachers

8. We Elect a President Who Pledges to "Spread the Wealth"

9. $100 Million Bonuses for Corporate Officers

followed by…

10. A Carte Blanche $1.5 Trillion Bank Bailout

What will it take?

With the current state of our automotive industry, what is it going to take to wake up the unions?

Any bailout of the automotive industry, and I do believe they should get one, should come when, and only when, the unions have made enough concessions for our auto companies to compete with the rest of the world. Don't get me wrong, there was most certainly a time and place for the unions, but if concessions are not made soon, they are going to become obsolete out of necessity.

Don't quote me on this, but I heard a figure a few years back that stated a UAW line worker total compensation package (salary + pension + medical) was somewhere around $80,000 per year. I am guessing that, were I to do the research, that number might even be higher now. As a 6th year teacher, my total compensation comes in around $60,000...with a masters degree! In other words, after spending more than 6 years in post-high school education and over $40,000 in college moneys, I make way less than an auto worker!

I believe that auto workers are entitled to make a living as much as the next guys, but to expect to earn more than a college educated educator of others is ludicrous!

Our current economic woes are nothing compared to what is coming if the unions don't WAKE UP! If you have any doubts as to the health of the US automotive companies and the impact of their absence on a community, just visit the Flint area in Michigan!

The same fate will befall the rest of the country soon, if the government throws money at the US auto companies without these reforms mandated. I do, however, see much irony in the government's willingness to throw over a trillion dollars at the same criminals in the mortgage and banking companies that got us in this mess in the first place...and NOW they start asking questions!